Jeg hedder Jesper Riel. Forfatter, foredragsholder og terapeut fordi det heller ikke er en beskyttet titel. I 'Forfatterterapi' taler jeg med andre forfattere om hvordan de har det. Konceptet er simpelt: Jeg har fem blå kort og fem røde kort. De blå kort er tekniske, informative og hyggelige spørgsmål om at skrive. De røde kort er de spørgsmål jeg inderst inde gerne vil stille. Forfatteren vælger selv hvilke kort de vil have, og uanset hvad skal det nok blive hyggeligt.
Hello and welcome to the ENGLISH version of Forfatterterapi. Or Writer Therapy. Or Artist Therapy? I still haven't decided.
My name is Jesper Riel, I am a writer and have been speaking to Danish writers and artists for 1,5 years about how they feel about writing. And creating.
This is a bonus episode from the talk I had with Taran Matharu. We were talking a lot before we got to the actual questions. I really also enjoyed the first hour, because Taran is such a passionate writer and human being.
I hope you enjoy listening as well. As we say in Denmark: The conversation was a little in east and west.
Happy listening!